Privacy Policy

As public higher education institute, within the framework of its mission, Lisbon Polytechnic has to gather personal data, being responsible for the same, under the current legislation.

We are committed to the protection of your personal data, with regard to exercising the right to privacy.

Our privacy policy allows us to understand how we collect, use, treat and protect your personal data in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), April 27, 2016 and other applicable legislation.

Personal data

Personal data is considered to be information relating to a natural person, identified or identifiable, directly or indirectly, for example by name, photograph, identification number, or any other form of identity provided for by law.

Entity responsible for the processing

The authority responsible for the collection and processing of the data is Lisbon Polytechnic, which takes into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing of the data, as well as the risks to the rights and freedoms of the individual, in accordance with the RGPD.

Enloaded Data Protection (EPD) / Data Protection Officer (DPO)

For matters relating to the processing of personal data and relating to the exercise of rights conferred upon it by the RGPD, you may contact the data protection officer of Lisbon Polytechnic: Nuno Pires;; + 351 217 200 200, ext. 80108; Estrada de Benfica, 529-1549-020 Lisboa.

The data protection officer at Lisbon Polytechnic fulfils the following functions:

  • Inform and advise Lisbon Polytechnic or the subcontractor, as well as the workers who handle data, regarding their obligations under the RGPD or applicable law;
  • Control the compliance of data processing with the data protection provisions of the European Union or the Member States, as well as with the policies of the controller, or the subcontractor, regarding the protection of personal data;
  • Give advice, when requested, as to evaluating the impact of data protection, and controlling its realization, in the terms of Article 35 of the RGPD;
  • Cooperate with the supervisory authority, an entity which one can consult, and which is a point of contact for issues relating to data processing.

Collection of personal data

Lisbon Polytechnic is committed to protecting the privacy of the users of its services, taking the care to develop and use technology that offers the best security and privacy guarantees.

It is usually possible for users to browse Lisbon Polytechnic website without providing personal data. Sometimes however, essential information is collected and stored for the provision of and access to services.

Treatment of personal data

Lisbon Polytechnic respects your right to privacy and does not collect personal information, other than that provided voluntarily, through the filling of a form, or other legitimate means to that effect. By making one’s personal data available to IPL, the user acknowledges and consents that it is processed in accordance with this policy, with the assurance that it will only be used for the purposes described at the time of collection.

Where personal data is collected by IPL, depending on the consent of its holder, information is provided on the specific and legitimate purposes of the collection.

Should the processing of  personal data be warranted for any purpose other than initially described, we will always request explicit consent for the same, with the exception of cases in which the treatment is lawful without consent, in accordance with current legislation.

Legaity of the treatment of Personal Data

According to the prevailing legislation on personal data protection, Lisbon Polytechnic may, still lawfully handle your personal data in specific situations:

  1. When processing is necessary for the execution of a contract, in which the data holder is a party, or for the realization of pre-contractual representations at the request of the data holder;
  2. When processing is necessary for the fulfilment of legal obligations of Lisbon Polytechnic.
  3. When processing is necessary in the defence of the data holder’s vital interests or those of another person;
  4. When processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by Lisbon Polytechnic or by third parties, except if the prevalent interests or rights and fundamental freedoms of the holder require the protection of personal data, in particular if the holder is a child;
  5. When processing is necessary for the purposes of fulfilling obligations and the exercise of specific rights of  IPL, or of the holder of the data in labour, social security and social protection legislation, in the terms provided for in the RGPD;
  6. When processing is necessary for the purposes of public filing and interest of scientific or historical research, or for statistical purposes, in the terms provided for in the RGPD.


The information gathered is for the use of Lisbon Polytechnic, according to the purposes indicated at the time of collection or compliant with legal obligations.

The information gathered will be treated confidentially and can be accessed by a restricted set of workers from Lisbon Polytechnic, in fulfillment of their professional duties, within the required limits and for the purposes of the exercising their duties.

Protection of personal information

Lisbon Polytechnic will apply the necessary technical and organisational measures  to protect the information stored in the system against access, use, alteration or destruction of personal information.

The personal data will be retained for the minimum period of time required for the specific  processing required, in compliance with the current legislation.

Rights of the data subjects

At any time the holder of the personal data has the right to apply for access to it, as well as to apply for rectification or deletion, to oppose treatment, to withdraw consent, and to exercise the remaining rights provided for in the Act, within the limits of current legislation.

Should you withdraw your consent, this does not compromise the legality of the data processing effected, on the basis of  prior consent having been given.

The holder of the personal data also has the right to be notified in the event of a breach of personal data, according to the terms of the RGPD.


Generically, this privacy and personal data processing policy applies to all services provided by Lisbon Polytechnic and its Organic Units, without detriment to other policies, agreements or applicable legislation in more specific contexts of collection and processing of personal data.

Changes to this policy

The IPL may change the privacy and processing policy of personal data, where technically or legally justifiable.

The changes apply to the new processing of personal data, being that if they have an impact on the processing of personal data already collected, Lisbon Polytechnic will inform the holder of these changes, so that they can give explicit consent, or enforce their right of opposition or erasure.

Collection of technical / anonymous information

This site collects anonymous information about its visitors, made available by the browsers and web servers, including browser type, language preferences, source site, pages visited, duration of the visit(s), date and time of each request and terms of research. No information that can be used to identify the visitors to the site is gathered intentionally. The collection of t information is done with the aim of understanding how our users use the site, and to improve the quality and usefulness of the services we provide.

Although information is anonymous and collected and processed by our Web Analytics platform, nevertheless technical information on your visit(s) may be collected on the part of the technological infrastructure that supports the system. While Lisbon Polytechnic does not share this information with third parties, it may be shared with the competent public authorities, in compliance with Portuguese and European legislation.

Use of cookies

When using this site we store cookies (small files with information) on your access device, which allow us to ascertain for example whether or not you intend to contribute anonymous information to the Web Analytics platform, or whether or not it is authenticated on the site.

Both our technical and analytical cookies do not contain personal data and are transferred securely.  Not managed by our system are the cookies of third parties who may have a cookie and privacy policy of their own, outside the scope of IPL policy. However, our system does not intentionally send personal data to external services in any circumstances.

Cookies may be blocked and/or disabled by selecting the definitions or add-ons of your browser.  See your browser’s documentation for more information.