
A multidisciplinary team


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    Fernanda Bonacho


    Fernanda Bonacho holds a PhD in Communication Sciences, specialising in Communication and Languages, from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She has been an Adjunct Professor at the School of Communication and Media Studies since 1998, where she has taught in the areas of Communication Sciences, Media Studies and Journalism, and Human Sciences. She has held the positions of Coordinator of the master’s degree in journalism since 2021, Coordinator of the Media and Journalism Studies Section, Coordinator of the Journalism Degree Course and Coordinator of the Information and Documentation Services. She has taken part in various research projects in the field of communication sciences and journalism, with internal and external funding for the IPL, including the coordination of the Reading Academy of the World, funded by the national network of Gulbenkian Knowledge Academies of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. She is a member of the Scientific-Pedagogical Council of the Language and Culture Centre of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (CLIC), collaborates with the Council of Europe within the scope of Digital Citizenship Education (DCE) and represents the School of Social Communication and Media Studies/Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon in the national network Informal Group on Media Literacy (GILM).

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    João Abreu


    Concluiu o Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação em 2014 pelo ISCTE-IUL, Mestrado em Comunicação, Cultura e Tecnologias de Informação em 2004 pelo ISCTE-IUL e Licenciatura em Design de Comunicação em 1997 pela Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa. É Professor Coordenador e Investigador na Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (ESCS-IPL), atualmente com as funções de Coordenador da Secção de Audiovisual e Multimédia e Co-Chair da Cátedra Unesco Communication, Media Information Literacy and Citizenship. Atua na área de Ciências da Comunicação com ênfase nos temas do design de comunicação, design de identidade, comunicação nos museus, património e paisagem. No seu currículo Ciência Vitae os termos mais frequentes na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: comunicação; cidadania; paisagem; museologia; mediação; media digitais; identidade visual. Participa regularmente, como autor, curador e editor, em conferências, exposições e publicações dedicadas ao registo e comunicação de paisagem. É fundador e Diretor do Museu da Paisagem.

Chair Team

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    Filipe Barrocas Lima

    Filipe Barrocas Lima is a Professor at the School of Communication and Media Studies (ESCS-IPL), the Lisbon School of Engineering (ISEL-IPL) and at the School of Education and Social Sciences, in Leiria (ESECS-IPL). He teaches in the areas of multimedia communication, content production and communication design. He has a degree in Audiovisual and Multimedia from ESCS-IPL. Specialist Title in Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication from Politécnico de Lisboa (IPL). PhD student in Communication Sciences at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of NOVA University of Lisbon (NOVA FCSH), developing studies in the area of mental health literacy in streaming content. With more than 10 years of experience in communication consultancy, he has developed much of his professional work in the area of health and well-being communication.

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    João Soares Barros

    Since 1992, Communication has been a passion and a profession. He was a journalist and director of several publications, including the magazines Farmácia Distribuição, Marketing Farmacêutico, Distribuição Hoje, Negócios&Franchising, Veterinária Atual and Saúde Oral, having been part of the team that thought and created the Almofariz awards. With a degree in Communication and Consumer Behavior, he has the title of Specialist in Advertising from the Polytechnic University of Lisbon. He is a professor at the School of Communication and Media Studies and member of the technical-scientific committee of postgraduate course in Branding and Content Marketing. He was sub-coordinator of the degree in Advertising and Marketing and is coordinator of the post-graduate course in Communication and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Above all, he remembers the friends he made in the places he passed through. Because, “in the end, the difference is always made by people.”

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    Maria José Mata

    PhD in Communication Sciences (variant of Media and Journalism Studies from FCSH-UNL), she researches and teaches in the areas of theory, practics and deontology of journalism. As a researcher, she is particularly interested in issues related to journalistic practices and representations, about which have published work, she is an integrated member of LIACOM (Laboratory of Applied Research in Communication and Media) and a collaborating member of ICNOVA – Instituto de Comunicação da Nova.  She was a journalist and teaches at the School of Media Studies and Communication – Polytechnic University of Lisbon, where she is the Media and Journalism Studies scientific area coordinator and Post-graduation in Sports Journalism sub coordinator.

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    Tatiana Nunes

    Tatiana Nunes has a PhD in Communication Sciences from ISCTE-IUL, has a Degree and a Master in Public Relations and Corporate Communication from ESCS-IPL. Tatiana has the Title of Specialist in Strategic Management of Public Relations, by the Polytechnic University of Lisbon. She has been a Public Relations Professor at the ESCS-IPL since 2009 and  is now the Coordinator of the undergraduate degree in Public Relations and Corporate Communication. She has worked as a communication director in organizations from the third sector in Portugal for more than 12 years. Trainer, consultant and researcher in the area of Public Relations and Corporate Communication, Communication for Social and Behavior Change and Health Communication.

Full Team

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    Escola Superior de Comunicação Social

    Ana Cristina Antunes (Humanities)
    Ana Raposo (Strategic Communication)
    Ana Teresa Machado (Marketing)
    Ana Varela (Storytelling)
    Andreia Alves Garcia (Health Literacy)
    Fátima Lopes Cardoso (Visual Journalism)
    Fernanda Bonacho (Communication, media literacy)
    Filipe Barrocas Lima (Science Communication, Audiovisual and Multimedia)
    Filipe Montargil (Audiovisual and Multimedia)
    Francisco Sena Santos (Journalism, Radio Broadcasting)
    Joana de Souza (Mutimedia Resources Design, E-learning)
    Joana Pontes (Documentary, Script Writing, Film Director)
    João Abreu (Design Multimedia)
    João Barros (Communication and Marketing)
    João Rosário (Marketing, Data Science)
    Jorge Trindade (Language)
    Jorge Veríssimo (Semiotics, Communication Studies)
    José Cavaleiro Rodrigues (Creative Industries)
    Margarida Carvalho (Arts, Media and Communication)
    Maria Duarte Belo (Women Leadership, Ethics and Social Responsibility)
    Maria Inácia Rezola (Contemporary History)
    Maria João Centeno (Communication and Culture)
    Maria José Mata (Journalism )
    Nuno Palma (Mutimedia Resources Design, E-learning)
    Pedro Marques Gomes (Journalism History)
    Ricardo Pereira Rodrigues (Multimedia, E-learning Development, Articulation with Society)
    Rita Monteiro Mourão (Communication Studies)
    Rosário Correia (Branding and Content Marketing)
    Rúben Neves (Audiovisual Communication)
    Sandra Miranda (Senior Studies, Media Behaviour Studies)
    Sandra Pereira (Public Relations Strategic Management)
    Sara Cura (Science Communication, Heritage)
    Susana Araújo (Audiovisual and Multimedia)
    Tatiana Nunes (Public Relations and Corporate Communication)
    Vera Moutinho (Climate Journalism, Multimedia Journalism)
    Verónica Silva (Multimedia and TV Production)
    Zélia Santos (Statistics)

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    National Scientific Supporters

    Cristina Ponte – NOVA FCSH / ICNOVA
    Vitor Tomé – UAL / CIES

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    International Scientific Supporters

    Maria Donde (Media and Information Literacy Policies, Digital Media Literacy and Citizenship) – Director of International Affairs, Coimisiún na Meán; Senior Vice-Chair EPRA

    Sally Reynolds (Media Literacy, Media Education) – Chief Operational Officer for Media&Learning / Director of Media Literacy for EDMOeu / Observer in the European Commission’s Media Literacy Experts Group