
Over 1000 UNESCO Chairs in 114 countries

UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Chairs Programme

A UNESCO Chair is a team led by a higher education or research institution that partners with UNESCO on a project to advance knowledge and practice in an area of common priority. There are currently some 1000 UNESCO Chairs in the world.

The UNITWIN Network brings together more than 700 institutions from 114 countries.

In Portugal, there are 17 UNESCO Chairs and at the Lisbon Polytechnic/ESCS, the “Communication, Media and Information Literacy and Citizenship” is the only  UNESCO Chair in communication and media and information literacy and it has been running since 2023.


ORBICOM-Network of UNESCO Chairs in Communication

ORBICOM is a global network of UNESCO Chairs in Communication, bringing together communication professionals and academics. It aims to promote international cooperation, share knowledge and research, and address global communication challenges to support sustainable development goals.

UNESCO Chairs in Communication were set up in 1994 and bring together researchers, teachers and communication professionals from around the world to promote interdisciplinary research, educational innovation and the dissemination of knowledge. They play an essential role in promoting press freedom, media education and responsible communication in the digital age.


MILID – UNESCO International University Research Network on MIL

The MILID Network is an international university research network established by UNESCO and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). It aims to promote media and information literacy (MIL) and intercultural dialogue globally. The network supports research, education, and participation initiatives, contributing to policies and practices in these fields. It includes universities worldwide, fostering collaboration to address global challenges related to media literacy and intercultural understanding.

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