
When you use this website, we store cookies on your access device, which allow us, for example, to understand whether or not you want to contribute anonymous information to our Web Analytics platform, whether or not you are authenticated on the website, among others.

In our implementation, both technical cookies and analysis cookies do not contain personal data and are transferred securely. Regarding third-party cookies, they are not managed by our system, so they may have their own cookie and privacy policy, outside the scope of applicability of the IPL policy. It should be noted that our system does not send personal data, under any circumstances, and intentionally to external services.

Cookies can be blocked and/or disabled using your browser settings or add-ons. Consult your browser documentation for more information.

What are Cookies?

A cookie is a small file that is placed on the computer of anyone who visits us through our online platforms and serves to identify the computer in question. These files do not contain any personal information and are used exclusively for security reasons and statistical purposes. However, if you choose not to activate cookies on the website it may result in the inability to access some areas of the website or receive personalized information.

What Cookies Do We Use?

Technical Cookies:

These are session, identification, configuration and registration cookies, strictly necessary to identify and provide the requested services. The information obtained through them is processed only by the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon and its Organic Units.

Analysis Cookies:

These are cookies that are processed by us or third parties (Google Analytics) and which allow us, graphically, to quantify the number of users and carry out statistical analysis of access to the website, allowing us to improve and optimize the content available.

How to disable a Cookie?

Most browsers show how to configure the browser to allow or disallow the use of Cookies. To control the use of Cookies, configure them through your browser.

How to configure Cookies in different browsers?