UNESCO Chair Residency brings together ESCS team for creative process

The first Residency of the UNESCO Chair in Communication, Media Information Literacy and Citizenship will take place on January 28, from 9:30 am to 5 pm, at the library of Palácio Baldaya, in Benfica.

During this one-day informal gathering, several professionals from different areas of the Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (ESCS-IPL) will debate ideas, think of innovative proposals and choose projects to develop within the scope of the Chair.

The program, which will be announced in the coming days, will feature a variety of activities and it invites everyone to participate actively.

This first Residency is aimed at ESCS-IPL professionals, so everyone in the community who wishes to participate is welcome.

Further information will be posted here soon.

A registration link will also be made available.

(Updated on January 15th with the meeting location.)

Photo by Câmara Municipal de Lisboa